We learn, test and innovate so that the IT solution we will offer you tomorrow will be more valuable than the one we offer today. We don’t wish to be easy, we wish to be better.

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Backup and Business Continuity

We protect or recover your data, once deleted or corrupted, and we put your business back on track after an unforeseen event. This, you may avoid any money loss and remain GDPR compliant.



No matter how hard you try, it is almost impossible to anticipate and prevent all downtime and potentially risky events. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare to restart your business if your systems are infected with viruses or if equipment malfunction has led to the loss or compromise of critical data.

According to statistics, 93% of companies that lost their data for at least 10 days, went bankrupt in less than one year.


On the other hand, 96% of companies that had a valid backup and a business continuity plan were able to recover from a ransomware attack that compromised their data. Magnetic IT Services backup and business continuity services are designed to meet any need.

Our backup service allows you to restore encrypted, deleted, or compromised data from a time prior to an unforeseen event. Thus, there will be no repercussions in case of equipment failures, cyberattacks, power outages, or natural disasters. Backup is done by creating and archiving data backups.


Business continuity is the solution that allows you to restart your business within minutes of a major unforeseen event. This eliminates the risk of losing money or going bankrupt. It involves creating a well-defined data backup strategy and a Disaster Recovery plan.

Your data can become accessible again within minutes of an unforeseen event



Whether your company systems are physical, virtual, or a combination of the two, with our backup and business continuity services you can be sure that they remain fully protected and available, no matter what.


The Magnetic IT Services team consists of internationally certified IT experts, with hundreds of successfully implemented backup and business continuity projects. We can provide guidance, from the consulting and planning phase, we implement your project and we make sure that everything works according to plan, through tests and regular assistance.




  • Protection against any accidental events – Your company will be able to easily overcome events such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, power outages, or accidental data loss.
  • No major business interruptions – The backup and business continuity plan we will implement in your company will minimize the time when employees cannot work and customers do not have access to your services.
  • You will be able to access your data, within just a few minutes of the unforeseen event – Our well-trained teams and state-of-the-art technology allow us to restore your vital data in just a few minutes from an unexpected event.
  • Predictable costs – Your sensitive data may remain secure against a monthly subscription fee.
  • No more data concerns for a long time – Our data archiving services are at your disposal for as long as you want.

How to protect your business with a complete backup solution



Over time, the environment of security threats for the IT industry has been constantly evolving, and it has now come to a point where it qualifies as a genuine industry. For instance, when faced with ransomware attacks, fully effective neutralization solutions are still not available. If you do not have a working backup solution, properly configured against ransomware, there is a risk that you will not be able to continue your work. Usually, as soon as the systems are infected, valid company data is encrypted and a significant amount of money is requested in exchange for its restoration.


Significant financial losses can also occur when equipment is damaged or when employees inadvertently delete, lose or corrupt vital data. Therefore, your company should have an efficient, properly configured backup solution and a system to monitor how the backup is actually done.

You can perform internal backup or request Magnetic IT Services for a turnkey solution based on a monthly subscription. In the latter case, there is no need of investment in equipment and software and you enjoy the benefits of low, predictable costs.

We offer a full backup solution that includes two components:


  • It is the physical storage medium. Magnetic IT Services uses hardware specially designed for backup.

  • It is the software that actually performs the backup. At Magnetic IT Services, we use the smartest backup solutions to reduce the total cost of storing your data. This allows us to offer competitive pricing on our backup and business continuity solutions.

We support you in making a decision. Customized solutions reduce your costs



When choosing a backup solution, it is important to consider a few key factors. The Magnetic IT Services team will guide you to make the right decision, by pointing out the most important questions which we will answer together.



You can perform internal backup or request Magnetic IT Services for a turnkey solution based on a monthly subscription. In the latter case, there is no need of investment in equipment and software and you enjoy the benefits of low, predictable costs.

For what services we perform backup?

Depending on the apps and services you are running, there may be several backup options. It can be done for the entire operating system or just for certain data and apps.

Where is the backup stored?

You can choose to store your backup data in the same location (Onsite Backup), in another location (Offsite), or in the cloud. The Onsite alternative has the advantage of fast service restoration. However, in the event of a disaster, your data will not be recovered.

What are the possible backup storage solutions?

It is mandatory to store your data on a device other than the one on which it is initially hosted. Based on the company needs, the costs and the maximum acceptable period during which the systems can remain inaccessible (RTO), there are several solutions: magnetic tapes, hard drives or in the cloud.

When can the backup be performed?

It is very important that the backup does not disrupt the business. The backup should run when there is a lower loading of the systems from which the data is copied and when the organization uses the systems as little as possible, so that their performance is not affected. The backup uses additional processing and network resources. That is why we recommend backing up your company data at night or outside business hours.

How often should the backup be performed?

This is a decision that Magnetic IT Services experts will make, on a case by case basis, depending on your applications and services, as well as on the Recovery Time Objective (RTO), an indicator calculated by us that tells us the maximum acceptable period in which a system may remain down, without causing significant damage to the business.

How is the backup done?

  • Full – A full copy of the data is made.
  • Differential – A full copy of the data is saved, after which only the changes made after the last full backup are saved.
  • Incremental – A full copy of the data is saved, after which only the changes made after the last stored backup are saved, either in whole or in part.